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COVID-19 testing tip: Did you get tested off campus? Send us your results right away!

While we encourage students to get fast, free testing on campus when they can, we understand that you may prefer getting tested off campus. That’s great! Frequently testing is one of the best tools we have to control the spread of COVID-19.

Getting tested off campus means you are required to take one additional step: All New Paltz students must share off-campus test results with the Student Health Service as soon as you receive them.

Students should email their test results to healthservice@newpaltz.edu.

Why is this so important? First, it helps us keep your COVID-19 profile updated. Remember that everyone in our community needs to get tested every week they’re on campus, so sharing your results with us quickly reduces the changes that you’ll get flagged and have your card access turned off.

It’s also vital to our ability to do effective contact tracing to protect other students, faculty and staff. Especially if you test positive, we need to know right away, so that we can identify who you’ve been in contact with, provide them with support and arrange for them to quarantine if necessary to prevent further spread.

This is especially important for those who live in the Village! Even if you’re not coming to campus very much, if you live in a house or apartment with other students, your test results have an effect on them, and everyone they come into contact with.

So the best way to protect your closest friends and housemates is to be honest with them and with the College about your test results, as quickly as you can.