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Late February trainings and workshops from the Office of Instructional Technology

Join the Office of Instructional Technology for upcoming trainings to continue building your online teaching skills! All faculty and staff are welcome.

Creating Groups in Blackboard
Feb. 17, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Webex Link
: Join the Creating Groups in Blackboard Webinar

Assigning students to small groups in Blackboard has many advantages and can help facilitate different types of assignments. In this webinar, learn how to create and manage groups effectively in Blackboard.

Building Content Basics in Blackboard
Feb. 18, 1 – 2 p.m.
Webex Link:
Join the Building Content Basics Webinar

Building folders and adding content in an organized way is the best way to make your course intuitive for students and easy to manage for you. It even helps when you request tech support!

This webinar will guide you in the campus best practices for building a folder structure in your course and adding items, files, and multimedia links.

Blackboard Ally
Feb. 22, 1 – 2 p.m.
Webex Link
: Join the Blackboard Ally Webinar

This workshop will focus on the most effective ways to use the Blackboard Ally tool, including creating and utilizing Ally Course reports. As you work towards making all your content accessible, Ally is a great way to keep on track!

Accessible Documents: Exploring Microsoft and Google Tools
Feb. 25, 10 – 11 a.m.
Webex Link
: Join the Accessible Documents Webinar

This workshop will focus on how to use built-in or free tools with Microsoft Office or Google Suite products to create accessible documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. Use these tools to make it a habit to create accessible content from the start!

Missed a workshop or want to review one you attended? Find them on our recording archive on support.newpaltz.edu.