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Employee trainings from the Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion: Early March 2021

The Office of Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion will offer the following trainings and workshops in the coming weeks. Each of these sessions is open to all members of the campus community, though they are designed primarily to support the development needs and interests of faculty and staff.

Members of our community can request training by contacting employeetraining@newpaltz.edu. More resources are available at https://www.newpaltz.edu/hr/training/.

Word Tips and Tricks – Monday, March 1, 1 – 2:30 p.m.

Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/zl4xke02gywb3/

Topics include creating templates; using tables; mail merges; styles, layouts and formatting; Smart Art; editing shortcuts; and using sections.

Hosting Events in Webex – Tuesday, March 2, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/z1bybsyf1jz7dps/

Webex is a powerful tool for hosting virtual events. In this training we will cover the unique features of Webex events, provide an outline for how to set up for virtual events, and unique features available for events, like live streaming.

Passwords and Security – Wednesday, March 4, 2 – 3 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/zh2knfb17tfpar/

Are you overwhelmed by passwords? Looking for ways to come up with unique, strong, and memorable passwords – or how to use password managers to keep things safe and secure?

Then this session is for you. We’ll cover creating and storing passwords and even talk about password mistakes that cybercriminals often take advantage of.

Introduction to SharePoint – Tuesday, March 9, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/z4eo97011d3qu0/

This session is an introduction to the basics of using SharePoint for team collaboration.

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • Know how create and organize folders within a SharePoint site.
  • Know how to organize, upload and download files.
  • Understand how to use tools within SharePoint to support teamwork.

Navigating Work/Life Balance – Thursday, March 11, 10 – 11 a.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/zp0nt3702i2b8p/

Seeing ourselves clearly helps us to succeed and to connect more meaningfully with others. However, building robust self-awareness can be tricky. In this session we will discuss roadblocks for realistic self-assessment and enhance your reflective toolkit.

Using Outlook on the Desktop – Friday, March 12, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Registration: https://newpaltz.wufoo.com/forms/z4do529066mgw4/

Both the Web version of Outlook (the one you access through the newpaltz.edu website) and the Desktop version of Outlook work well for basic emailing and keeping a calendar. However, if you want to do something more advanced, such as scheduling your email to go out at another time, doing a mail merge, etc., you need to use the Desktop version.

We’ll cover the differences between the two versions of Outlook and show you how to use some of the special features that you can only access on the desktop.

Training coming later in March (watch the Daily Digest for announcements):

  • Troubleshooting and Working with IT Support
  • Excel Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts
  • Using OneDrive
  • Counseling & Counseling Memos
  • Tools for Working Remotely

… and more!