_Chronological News FeedCOVID-19

(845) 257-CV19: A new hotline for answers and info about COVID-19 protocols

The College has launched a new COVID-19 hotline at (845) 257-CV19 as a supplemental resource for members of our community who have questions about pandemic-related policies on campus.

While we strongly encourage everyone to consult the New Paltz Forward and Student Health Service web pages for information and answers to their questions, the new hotline is now live for those who cannot find what they’re looking for and prefer to speak with someone about their situation.

257-CV19 is designed to help those who have a question with a unique twist, or who are looking for reassurance that they have correctly interpreted our policies. It will provide quick answers and connect students, faculty and staff with available resources related to our testing, tracing, screening and other pandemic policies.

Students, parents and family members, faculty and staff can call (845) 257-CV19 to be directed to resources including the Student Health Service, Card Access, and our campus Testing Center, among others. Calls are answered during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.).