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Save the date for training on Jan. 14 & 15, 2021 (or sign up to contribute a session of your own!)

Campus-wide professional development training will take place on Jan. 14 & 15, 2021, with many one-hour training sessions presented each day at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. All of the training sessions being offered will be fully virtual.

The January training days were initiated last year to intentionally create focus for important conversations about diversity, equity and inclusion among faculty and staff at all levels of the institution.

Our secondary goal for this College-wide initiative was to create opportunities for professional development built around the strengths and expertise within the SUNY New Paltz community.

With everything that has transpired across 2020, it seems even more important to continue the momentum of this initiative and create space that supports building community and  the adaptability and growth of faculty and staff in regard to diversity, equity and inclusion issues as well as new challenges that have arisen due to COVID-19.

These trainings are not mandatory, but they offer a great opportunity to highlight and share work and expertise available within our own campus community. We recognize that we have all spent many months on computer screens, but we invite you to offer a workshop or participate in one or more. We all need to recharge so we can better support each other’s growth.

If you would like to share your expertise with the campus community or you would like to request training that you would find beneficial, please complete a short survey by following one of the two links below:

Link to Offer a Training 

Link to Request a Training 

The deadline for submitting the survey for offering or requesting training is Dec. 10.

A full description of the trainings that will be offered and registration for the sessions will be made available via the Daily Digest on Dec. 17. You will be able to register for each session you are interested individually on a first come first serve basis to build your own schedule.