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Update on work-related travel

All work-related travel through June 30, 2020, is cancelled.

Work-related travel after June 30, 2020, will be very limited and will require pre-approval by your Dean and Provost, or Vice President. All pre-approved travel requisitions must be submitted to the travel office prior to your travel taking place. If your travel is not pre-approved, it will not be reimbursed

International and interstate travel is banned until further notice.

Only conference attendance through video sessions will be available.

If there is a registration fee, only presenters will be funded and will need approval by the Provost’s Office.

Limited exceptions may be made for the below and require pre-approval from your Dean or Vice President:

  • Trainings to maintain credentialing
  • Health and safety training
  • Travel fully subsidized by an outside grant/agency

All Travel and NET cards have been deactivated for the time being to discourage fraudulent activity. Please follow up with any outstanding charges you might have placed prior to the cancellation of travel in March. If there is a charge you don’t recognize, please be sure to dispute it with Citibank as soon as possible.

Please contact Maureen Maxwell at maxwellm@newpaltz.edu if you have any questions.  Thank you!