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Update on the future of the Daily Digest

The Office of Communication & Marketing, with support from the President’s Cabinet, will continue producing Daily Digest e-newsletters this summer, as an extension of our ongoing effort to provide consistent, timely updates to the campus community while also working to reduce overall email volume.

The first issue of the Daily Digest went out on Monday, March 30, when the College’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was evolving rapidly. At that time, community members expressed that the volume of new information being shared via campus email, while appreciated, was also becoming overwhelming. In the weeks since that first issue, we have been heartened to receive almost uniformly positive anecdotal feedback on the funneling of vital messages into a single, daily e-newsletter.

The Daily Digest’s efficacy reducing email volume was supported by the many offices, departments and individuals across campus who refrained from sending all but urgent notifications to institutional mailing lists, and collaborated with the editorial team in the Office of Communication & Marketing to instead compile that information into a digest. We wish to thank all of those who worked with us to accommodate this sudden change in communication processes.

With the decision to continue the Daily Digest through the summer, campus leaders will ask that units and individuals continue to be judicious in sending emails to the all-fs, facstaf-l and all-stu mailing lists, and continue forwarding non-urgent messages to the Office of Communication & Marketing for inclusion in the Daily Digest.

Messages should be sent to communication@newpaltz.edu by 3 p.m. for inclusion in the following morning’s Daily Digest.

We also ask that members of our community who expect to have regular access to their campus email accounts this summer continue to read the Daily Digest. While the pace of news and information may have slowed somewhat since March, we anticipate that summer will bring important announcements related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the College, the Hudson Valley region, the SUNY system and the state of New York.

In the coming weeks we will be evaluating options for organizing a more methodological survey about the Daily Digest, to allow students, faculty and staff to share opinions and ideas for improvement.

Again, we thank all those who have helped the Daily Digest succeed as a tool for keeping our community informed and together in the face of unprecedented challenges.


The Office of Communication & Marketing