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SUNY Chancellor Johnson statement on federal changes to Title IX safeguards

Dear members of our campus community:

SUNY Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson issued the following statement on Tuesday, May 12, regarding new federal regulations governing campus sexual assault. Read more about those regulations in Inside Higher Ed.

“At a time when we should be united and protect each other, the federal government is neglecting our students by scuttling Title IX safeguards and hampering the ability of colleges, universities, and K-12 institutions to investigate and adjudicate allegations of sexual assault and harassment. This unprecedented action rejects an equitable approach to reducing violence and harassment in favor of maximizing due process on behalf of the accused.

“Thankfully, New York students have the benefit of Education Law Article 129-B, based on policies developed at SUNY, which is the most comprehensive and balanced approach to preventing and responding to violence in the nation. We are grateful to Governor Andrew Cuomo and the state Legislature for enacting this measure after it passed nearly unanimously in 2015 with bipartisan support.

“This balanced approach, based on law, best practice, and diligent research, should serve as a national model, as opposed to a one-sided approach based on anecdotal reports. Our students should rest assured that when they return to campus, they will be in an environment that protects their rights equitably and gives everyone an opportunity to succeed.”