_Chronological News FeedFaculty/Staff News

Instructional Technology providing Grade Center assistance at drop-in sessions for faculty this week

Do you need assistance with the Grade Center as you prepare your final grades for the semester? The Office of Instructional Technology staff is here to help!

We will be holding drop-in help sessions this week to assist faculty in reporting accurate grades for the spring 2020 semester. During these drop-ins, you can ask questions or request a private, one-on-one review of your grade center (Instructional Technology staff may request some faculty to schedule a specific appointment if they have extensive questions or if they have an issue that cannot be immediately resolved).

Grade Center sessions will be held at the following days and times:

Wednesday, May 13, from 1 – 3 p.m.

Friday, May 15, from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Use this link to join a Grade Center Drop-in Help Session

If you are looking for tutorials about the grade center, please check out these recorded webinars as a starting point:

Grade Center QuickStart

Blackboard Grade Center – Finalizing Your Grade Center