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Services to promote student learning and success in a remote environment

Expanded writing support

The Center for Student Success has partnered with STAR-NY Online Tutoring to provide additional trained writing consultants to help support a higher volume of students. Students can click here for more information about this free service.

Student self-advocacy through Starfish

The Center would like to remind students who feel they may need help of the Raise Your Hand feature in Starfish. For general assistance for personal or academic concerns, students can select the “I need help” option and their general advisor will be notified. Students can also select the “I need help in a course” option and their instructor will be notified. Raise Your Hand is located on the Starfish Dashboard.

Remote learning assistance through Starfish

A new Remote Learning Assistance flag is now available to instructors in Starfish. This flag is for the benefit of students who instructors believe may need additional support to be successful in a remote learning environment.

When instructors raise the flag, the student will receive an email with information regarding a variety of online resources. The student’s general advisor or their program advisor can then follow up to offer additional support as needed.

To view how Starfish utilization is increasing throughout SUNY in support of student learning and success, click here.

Visit the Center for Student Success online to learn more, or contact them at CSS@newpaltz.edu with questions.