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Religious observance and social distancing

Dear Members of the Campus Community:

Who would have imagined as we welcomed the spring semester that we would all be navigating virtual interactions, remote teaching and learning, telecommuting, homeschooling, elder care struggles, as well as decisions on how to safely obtain essential needs like groceries and medicine?

We recognize the many important ways that faith and family play a role in weathering such challenging times. As we enter into the days of observance for several religions, we remind all members of our community to carefully consider your plans to travel to see family or to gather in houses of worships.

We have all been working so hard to do our part to reduce large gatherings of people, to maintain social distancing and reduce travel for essential needs only. We urge you to continue to observe these practices, which Governor Cuomo has most recently reiterated as he extended the state’s stay-at-home order to April 29.

Many houses of worship, dioceses and orders are offering services via conference meeting, websites, YouTube and social media platforms. We understand that this could never replace the energy or sense of connection that gathering in worship and with family can bring, but if we are judicious now we will be able to gather again soon with our communities and our families.

Wishing you peace and good health.

Tanhena Pacheco Dunn
Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion
and Chief Diversity Officer