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Faculty Senate approves new Bachelor of Arts in General Studies program

The SUNY New Paltz Faculty Senate voted to approve a proposal to develop a new, online bachelor’s degree program in general studies, designed to help non-traditional students complete their degrees, at its April 22 meeting.

The proposal passed by a margin of 32 in favor, one opposed, seven abstentions. Once approved by SUNY and registered by the New York State Education Department, program development will begin immediately for an intended launch in 2021.

The program proposal summary outlines a curriculum designed for non-traditional students who have completed more than half of their credits toward graduation but would struggle to find a traditional major.

It will be possible for students to complete the program fully online, though courses will also be available in seated formats. It is designed to accommodate those who may be working full-time, raising families or otherwise unable to commit to a fully in-person course schedule.

Students will be required to concentrate their studies on three content areas, as a means of balancing between breadth and depth in their study. Eligible content areas will include:

  • Environmental Literacy
  • Fine & Performing Arts
  • General Business
  • Global Studies
  • Literature & Writing
  • Social Sciences
  • United States Studies

Students will also be required to complete a one-credit capstone experience, to include a digital portfolio, reflective essay and public presentation. All of these requirements can be completed online, though students will be encouraged to deliver their presentation on campus if possible.

The program is not intended for newly enrolled students, but rather for those who have already completed a minimum of 60 college credits. It allows students to complete their remaining credits en route to fulfilling the 120-credit requirement for degree completion.

While the program is designed with currently existing online courses in mind, the proposal also assumes that the catalog of qualifying online courses at New Paltz will only grow over time.

Administratively, the interdisciplinary Bachelor’s in General Studies program will be housed in the Office of Graduate & Extended Learning and overseen by the assistant vice president for graduate & extended learning.

The program proposal was developed by a multi-disciplinary committee of faculty members, including:

  • Thomas Albrecht, associate professor, Department of Art
  • Shafiul Chowdhury, associate professor, Department of Geology
  • Jackie George, associate professor, Department of English
  • Shuguang Liu, associate dean, School of Business
  • John Sharp, associate professor, Department of Geography, and associate dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Faculty and staff can view the proposal on the Curriculum Committee’s Blackboard website, by clicking on the link for “Proposals” and scrolling to the General Studies Proposal Summary.