_Chronological News FeedAlumniCOVID-19

Forever Orange and Blue – A letter from the Office of Alumni Relations

Dear Alumni and Friends,

We hope this message finds you well and safe. But likely, many of you have been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect it has had on communities across the state, the country and the world. We understand everyone will be weathering this storm in many different ways for some time.

Our alumni community can sometimes feel disconnected as social distancing practices force us to cancel or postpone gatherings, events and end-of-the-year celebrations that involve alumni and the greater campus community.

However, amid this uncertainty, there have been overwhelming amounts of resilience and compassion, ingenuity and selflessness, and attitudes of hope and perseverance. We have seen many examples on our campus, and we know they are happening in your communities as well. Now is the time to look for the light among the shadows. We hope to bring some of that light to you through the content of this e-newsletter.

We encourage you to reach out for support, let us know what you’d like to read about, share your stories and photographs or fond New Paltz memories, and embrace our collective experience and the power of our SUNY New Paltz pride. Stay connected through email and social media and keep an eye out for virtual alumni events and ways to connect with and support your fellow alumni.

We will all be changed by this experience, but we are forever orange and blue, and together we will get through this.


Shana Circe ’02 ’08g

Director of Alumni Relations

SUNY New Paltz



Connect with us!

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/npalumni/

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/newpaltzalumni/

LinkedIn Group- New Paltz Alumni – www.linkedin.com/groups/157605