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News from Human Resources – September 2019

Congratulations to the following employees who have been hired, promoted or given permanent or continuing appointment:

CHRISTOPHER ALBI (History) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

SUNITA BOSE (Sociology) has been promoted to Professor.

DAVID BRIGHT (Psychology) has been hired as Lecturer.

ANDREW BRUSO (Communication & Marketing) has been promoted to Assistant Director of Communication.

PHYLLIS CHEN (Music) has been hired as Associate Professor.

NATALY CHESKY (Teaching & Learning) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

HUICHENG CHIEN (Geography) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

NATHAN CLERICI (Languages, Literatures & Cultures) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

MOSHE COHEN (Mathematics) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

JESSICA CROWELL (Digital Media & Journalism) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

HALEY DILLON (Psychology) has been hired as Lecturer.

COURTNEY EDWARDS (Psychology) has been hired as Lecturer.

SALVATORE ENGEL-DIMAURO (Geography) has been promoted to Professor.

HEINZ INSU FENKL (English) has been promoted to Professor.

AUTUMN JOY FLORENCIO-WAIN (Teaching & Learning) has been hired as Lecturer.

LI GAO (School of Business) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

BIANCA GAVIN (Languages, Literatures & Cultures) has been hired as Lecturer.

GABRIEL GONZALES (School of Business) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

KIERSTEN GREENE (Teaching & Learning) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

JOHN HARRIS (Communication) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

KEELY HEUER (Art History) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

KATHLEEN HUNT (Communication) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

KATARINA IONNA (Payroll) has been hired as Payroll Assistant Trainee.

PATRICIA JONES (Economics) has been hired as Visiting Assistant Professor.

REAGANNE JOYCE (Custodial) has been hired as Cleaner.

JAIUNG JUN (Mathematics) has been hired as Assistant Professor

DR. GERALDINE KEYES (Health Center) has received permanent appointment as College Physician.

BARBARA LYMAN (Academic Affairs) has been hired as Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

YONGLI LI (Languages, Literatures & Cultures) has been hired as Lecturer.

DOMINIC MCBRAYER (Chemistry) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

SCOTT MINKOFF (Political Science) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

LEANNA MOLLON (Teaching & Learning) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

KATHLEEN MURPHY (Music) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

NAFEESA NICHOLS (Black Studies) has been hired as Lecturer.

KENNETH NYSTROM (Anthropology) has been promoted to Professor.

JAMMIE PATTON (Theatre Arts) has been hired as Lecturer.

ALEX PEH (Music) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

BLAIR PROCTOR (Black Studies) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

BRIAN PUCHALSKI (Facilities Operations) has been promoted to Construction Equipment Operator.

AARON RICCIARDI (English) has been hired as Visiting Assistant Professor.

LOUIS ROPER (History) has been promoted to Distinguished Professor.

GERALD SELVAGGI (Engineering) has been hired as Professor.

KEVIN SHANLEY (Engineering Programs) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

ANYUAN (DANIEL) SHEN (School of Business) has been promoted to Professor.

MICHAEL SHERIDAN (School of Business) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

ROBYN SHERIDAN (Educational Studies & Leadership) has been hired as Assistant Professor.

JUSTIN SHUMWAY (Communication & Marketing) has been promoted to Assistant Director of Digital Media/Designer.

ANGELA SILLETTI (Sociology) has been hired as Lecturer.

KEVIN SLIVKA (Art) has been promoted to Associate Professor.

BETH VARGAS (Center for International Programs) has been promoted to Executive Director of International Programs.

MICHAEL VARGAS (History) has been promoted to Professor.

LAURA WYETH (Biology) has been hired as Lecturer.

YI ZHENG (School of Business) has been hired as Assistant Professor.