Distinguished Speaker Series: Language, Culture and Reality with Neyooxet Gremorning ’73

SUNY New Paltz will welcome S. Neyooxet Greymorning ’73 (Anthropology) to campus on Thursday, Oct. 11, to deliver the fall 2018 Distinguished Speaker Series address.
Greymorning is a New Paltz alumnus and Professor of Anthropology and Native American Studies at the University of Montana.
His talk, titled “Wading into the Waters of Language, Culture and Reality,” provides a compelling overview of his work with Indigenous languages that are at risk of being lost to history, and the research that led him to ask the question: Do dolphins have the capacity to understand our language?
Greymorning has worked for years developing strategies toward strengthening and sustaining Native languages. He is the creator of Accelerated Second Language Acquisition (ASLA©™), a pioneering language instruction method, and is the founder and executive director of Hinono’eitiino’oowu’ (Arapaho Language Lodge), an immersion school with a mission to prevent the extinction of the Arapaho language by passing it on to a new generation of learners.
In October 2017, SUNY New Paltz presented Greymorning with the Alumni Professional Achievement Award, which is given to alumni who have achieved distinction in a chosen profession or outstanding lifetime achievement.
Greymorning is the editor of “Being Indigenous,” a new collection of essays on activism, culture, language and identity, which is available for preorder now from Routledge.
“Wading into the Waters of Language, Culture and Reality,” the fall 2018 Distinguished Speaker Series address, will take place on Thursday, Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Center 100 on the SUNY New Paltz campus.
Tickets for this event are $10. There is no charge for current SUNY New Paltz students who present ID, though there is a limited quantity of free tickets for students.
For more information and to reserve tickets, please visit http://www.newpaltz.edu/speakerseries/.
About the Distinguished Speaker Series
Launched in 2008, the Distinguished Speaker Series hosts speakers twice annually in order to connect SUNY New Paltz alumni, students, faculty, staff and community members with highly accomplished alumni, authors, policy makers, leaders, scientists, media experts, business people and other luminaries.
The Distinguished Speaker Series is made possible by the SUNY New Paltz Foundation, Inc., with support from the following sponsors: Buttermilk Falls Inn and Spa, Campus Auxiliary Services, Henry’s at the Farm, M&T Bank, NRG Community Solar, Sodexo, and Central Hudson Gas & Electric.