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Message from President Christian on #NeverAgain

President Donald P. Christian shared the following message with the SUNY New Paltz community on Friday, March 2, 2018:

New Paltz Students, Faculty and Staff,

We are proud to join other colleges and universities in a national effort to reassure applicants for admission to SUNY New Paltz that their engagement in peaceful, lawful protest will not be a factor in our admission decisions. As I know there has been interest in this effort among members of our community, I wanted to share this statement with you. I hope you agree that it reflects core values of our community. Using #NeverAgainColleges, we will alertNeverAgainColleges.com, a resource for high school students, about our statement.

Admissions Statement about Student Activism

SUNY New Paltz has a long tradition of supporting student activism and peaceful, lawful protest about important issues facing our campus and our nation. We assure applicants for admission to the College that their engagement in such activities and any resulting disciplinary action will not be viewed unfavorably in our admissions process.


Donald P. Christian