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New Paltz has top 50 anthropology program, says College Values

The Department of Anthropology at SUNY New Paltz earned high marks in the 2017 “Best Value” rankings of bachelor degree programs published by College Values, a leading resource for students and families planning for higher education.

The undergraduate degree program at New Paltz clocked in at #44 on the Top 50 list of best values in anthropology programs at U.S. colleges and universities. The College Values methodology defines “value” as providing quality instruction at a reasonable cost, and weighs a combination of factors including tuition and financial aid, as well as details about the program structure and course offerings.

The Department of Anthropology earns distinction in part due to the volume and caliber of scholarship produced by its faculty, often in collaboration with students.

“SUNY New Paltz prides itself on having faculty that are ‘teacher-scholars,’ and conducting research is a large part of what we do,” said Department Chair Ken Nystrom. “That allows us not only to bring our experiences back into our coursework, but also to get students involved in learning experiences outside of the classroom. It is these experiences that stand out on resumes and job applications, as our students demonstrate the ability to adapt, to problem solve and to think and work independently.”

In Anthropology, that faculty commitment to research has translated to dozens of conference presentations, book and journal publications and grant funding awards, for students and faculty alike.

Visit the Department of Anthropology online to learn more.