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Lifetime Learning Institute celebrates 10 years

The Lifetime Learning Institute of SUNY New Paltz, a collective of dozens of volunteer educators who organize stimulating non-credit courses for adults age 55 and older, marked the completion of its 10th academic year at a June 7 reception at the College Terrace.

“This year we had 59 presenters who combined to present 63 classes,” said Lifetime Learning Institute President Jessica Rothman. “Those 59 presenters were supported by 48 classroom assistants, who do the dirty work and really are the wheels that keep us going. We also have a membership, as of our last count, of 285 – our largest membership in recent years, and continuing to grow as we enter our second decade as an organization.”

Founded in 2007, the Lifetime Learning Institute (LLI) has grown to include more than 250 members, and stands as a truly sui generis example of the College’s ability to serve as an intellectual hub and gathering space for students and educators of all types.

“We often tell our students that if we’re doing our job well, we’re preparing them to be lifelong learners,” said President Donald P. Christian. “More broadly, I think many of us at New Paltz believe that an essential element of being human is to continue learning throughout our lives. LLI and the programs that its volunteers make possible are in direct support of that belief.”

The Lifetime Learning Institute offers courses through the fall and spring on a wide variety of subjects, “from beading to philosophy,” according to past president and historian Marilou Abramshe. It is run entirely on the efforts of its volunteers, who teach courses, offer classroom assistance, liaise with New Paltz staff to secure class spaces and use instructional technologies, and raise awareness of the Institute and the course catalog up and down the Hudson Valley.

SUNY New Paltz has been a partner to the LLI since it was first established, and currently provides class spaces and resources every Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters.

Those interested in learning more about the Lifetime Learning Institute of SUNY New Paltz can contact the volunteer administrators at lifetime@newpaltz.edu, to request more information and to be added to the mailing list for the course catalog.

Membership costs $115 per year and entitles members to take any offered classes, and also to participate in special Lifetime Learning Institute events throughout the year.

More information is available online.