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Faculty and staff congratulate award-winning colleagues at spring picnic

20160517-1_Campus BBQ_14The annual SUNY New Paltz Faculty and Staff Appreciation Picnic was held May 17 at the Athletic & Wellness Center for the hundreds of employees whose contributions made the 2015-16 academic year a success.

“After the busy buzz at the end of another successful and exciting academic year, gatherings like this let us step back, catch our breath, and chat with colleagues and friends,” said President Donald P. Christian. “I am encouraged by all that we have achieved this year and I’m equally hopeful about what lies ahead for New Paltz.”

The ceremony also saw the presentation of the 2016 Classified Staff Presidential Recognition Awards.

“The Classified Staff Presidential Recognition Awards are a way for me and the campus to say thanks to these people for their significant contributions and dedicated service to the College,” Christian said. “I wish that I had more opportunities to recognize and show our appreciation for the diverse and critical roles that our Classified Staff play in making this college function so well. Thank you all, and best wishes for an enjoyable summer!”

Join us in congratulating this year’s honorees:

Concetta (Cookie) Chandler, Secretary 1, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies – Chandler has been with the College since 1999 and has served in various roles working with students and alumni. In her current position she encourages alumni to stay connected with their alma mater and helps to ensure that the faculty and students in WGSS are aware of graduates’ accomplishments. Outside her normal duties, Chandler has shown a willingness to participate voluntarily in campus events in order to better understand the student experience and become a stronger ally to our diverse student body.

Robert Guidi, Maintenance Assistant, Utilities – Guidi has worked at SUNY New Paltz since 1994. He is noted for providing excellent overall service and making real contributions to a pleasant work environment in Utilities. A previous supervisor placed him among the most dedicated employees he’s worked with, and other nominators agreed that his exceptional knowledge of fire safety is a benefit to coworkers and the campus community more broadly.

Alicia Ivan, Secretary 1, Honors Program – Ivan is beloved of students in the Honors Program for her strong support of the learning environment there and her dedication to their every success. She is described by her nominator as having a welcoming, friendly and professional demeanor, and is noted for superior performance managing a new timely and efficient registration process that has great improved the student experience.

Robyn Ridley, Office Assistant 2 (Calculations), Payroll – Ridley has provided excellent service to the campus community since her arrival in 2007. She is professional, helpful, patient and skilled when addressing students’ needs, and often takes extra time to support and encourage students who need special attention for various tax issues. Recently, Ridley started a Nicotine Anonymous Group, volunteering her time and energy to help other campus staff.

Pamela Wood, Secretary 2, Development and Alumni Relations – Wood joined the College in 2008 and has earned a reputation as having a strong attention to detail in her work. Her nominator stated that she embodies the highest level of professionalism on a consistent basis, and is an asset to her department.