
New websites highlight diversity efforts and progress in rebuilding Black Studies

The College is pleased to announce the launch of two new websites that we believe will be valuable resources for both the New Paltz community and online visitors. Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 3.25.53 PM

First, to keep you informed about the commitment and continuous efforts of administrators, faculty, alumni, and students who are working together to rebuild the Black Studies Department during a time of unprecedented transition, we have created a website titled “Black Studies: Building on a Proud Tradition.” This site features the history of one of the oldest Black Studies departments in the nation as well as a timeline of events, and information about our activities and progress. It also includes information on First World and the Margaret Wade-Lewis Memorial Scholarship Endowment.

The site can be accessed from our home page, from the Black Studies Department website as well as from:

Second, we have created a website titled, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.” This is only one of many measures we are taking to help communicate our ongoing commitment to build a diverse, equitable and inclusive learning community.  The site highlights the many programs on campus that play a valuable role in supporting the success of our students and employees. We also hope that it will be part of our efforts to attract faculty administrators and students of diverse backgrounds and experiences. This site is a work in progress, and we welcome feedback about additional programs and resources we should include here.  Feedback can be directed to Lindsay Lennon in the Office of Communication and Marketing at or 257-2604. The page is also accessible from our homepage and can be found here:

Please share these resources with those individuals who want to learn more about our values and our ongoing efforts.