
Merit pageNew Paltz is celebrating students through Merit, an online software platform that publicizes their accomplishments both in and out of the classroom.

Students receive recognition when they make the dean’s list, earn a scholarship, are recognized for an athletic accomplishment, volunteer in the community, study abroad, and more. Merit offers the additional service of delivering news to hometown newspapers, giving students and their friends and families the chance to read about their accomplishments both online and in traditional print media.

Students will be notified via e-mail when the College has shared their accomplishment. They can then share their achievement on social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and also customize a personal Merit page by creating an online portfolio with activities, including adding photos and additional collegiate achievements.

How can you help?
New Paltz faculty, staff and students can submit news of student achievements by following this link: http://www.newpaltz.edu/ocm/merit.html

How to opt out
To opt out of the program, students should email news@newpaltz.edu.

Click here to view current New Paltz student accomplishments.