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A wealth of opportunity for future students at SUNY College Fair

20150924-3_SUNY College Fair_IH-80For the third consecutive year, SUNY New Paltz was the host site of a State University of New York College Fair. Representatives from colleges and universities across the SUNY system were on hand speaking with prospective students and families about the college search process and the educational and professional possibilities that await them.

Delegates from more than 30 SUNY institutions, including a number of staff members from the New Paltz Office of Undergraduate Admissions, set up tables at the Athletic & Wellness Center (AWC) on Sept. 24 to talk with future students and their families about all aspects of the college experience, from academic programs to residence life.

More than 400 students registered to visit campus for the College Fair, which equated to foot traffic of more than 1,000 visitors after accounting for family members and friends who accompany them.

“The families who attend these Fairs are a diverse group, both in terms of socio-economic background and in home region,” said Associate Dean of Undergraduate Admission Richard Bodenschatz. We had students last night from as far south as New York City, Long Island and northern New Jersey, as far west as Syracuse and as far north as Warrensburg. What many of them have in common is that they understand the value of a SUNY education. They see and their parents see that for a fraction of the cost of a private school, they can get a high-quality education with SUNY.”

The event serves as an opportunity for these students to learn more about the variety of programs available through SUNY schools across the state, and also to gain more general information about different areas of interest.

20150924-3_SUNY College Fair_IH-57To that end, New Paltz staff members Maureen Lohan-Bremer, director of Financial Aid, Jason Gilliland, coordinator of Veteran & Military Services, and Christian Speedling, study abroad advisor for the Center for International Programs, all came out to share their particular expertise with fairgoers.

While SUNY schools and programs are represented equally at the SUNY College Fair, the event also gives families from near and far an occasion to get a feel for the New Paltz community.

“It’s an opportunity for us to showcase our campus, which is something we’re always looking to do more of,” Bodenschatz said.

This Fair is one of a number of fall events at which the SUNY New Paltz Office of Undergraduate Admissions will be meeting with prospective students. A complete schedule of SUNY College Fairs is available online.

Prospective students interested in learning more about attending SUNY New Paltz can get started by visiting the College’s Admissions homepage.