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History student helps kick off Healthy Ulster County Week

Marykate Acquisto '15 (History)
Marykate Acquisto ’15 (History) helps kick off Healthy Ulster County Week.

Marykate Acquisto ’15 (History) has high hopes for Healthy Ulster County Week—after all she was instrumental in planning the initiative as part of her role as an intern at the Ulster County Executive’s Office.

To encourage Ulster County residents to live healthy lifestyles, and as part of the ongoing effort to make Ulster County the healthiest county in New York, the county will host special events, services and promotions by local businesses and community organizations through May 10.

“The goal of making Ulster County the healthiest county in New York State is an important initiative that affects us all,” said County Executive Mike Hein. “This week will see events, services, and promotions that will encourage residents to eat well, exercise, and be conscious of the overall health of themselves and their friends and families.”

As part of Acquisto’s internship duties, she’s responsible for preparing press releases and advisories, organizing press conferences, and planning and executing events like Healthy Ulster County Week. She says that her internship is providing hands-on experience in the professional world that will prepare her for life after college.

“I’ve gained skills that are necessary for working in a professional environment, like communication, event planning, writing, and using social media in an effective and appropriate way,” said Acquisto. “These are skills that are imperative for a career in politics, which I’ve discovered that I have a great interest in pursuing.”

Acquisto, who is minoring in political science, touted the College’s challenging coursework for helping her to excel during her time with the Ulster County Executive Office.

“My history-focused work has allowed me to become a great writer, which helps me in drafting press releases and other documents,” she said. “And pursuing political science has given me a comprehensive understanding about how government and the law works, which is essential for working in a government office. I’m grateful to both the History and the Political Science departments for preparing me so well for the professional world.”