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Faculty and staff awards, honors and appointments

Congratulations to the following faculty and staff members for their notable awards, honors, appointments and promotions:

KATHIE BAKER (Sponsored Programs) has been promoted to Personnel Services Manager.

DANIEL BELASCO, museum curator, has been nominated for a International Association of Art Critics (AICA-USA) award.

MARK COLVSON, dean (Library), has received a $10,415 grant from NYS Education Department for his project titled “Coordinated Collection Development Aid 14-15.”

KERRY DEAN CARSO, associate professor (Art History), is the recipient of the 2015 Henry-Russell Hitchcock Award to “American Gothic Art and Architecture in the Age of Romantic Literature.” 

NANCY HIGGINS (Facility Operations) has been promoted to Keyboard Specialist 2.

SHAUN HOFF (Financial Aid) has been promoted to Associate Director of Compliance.

PETER KENNEDY (Facility Operations) has been promoted to SUNY Campus Worker.

MICHAEL NACLERIO (Facility Operations) has been appointed Cleaner.

Assistant Professor SCOTT LE VINE (Geography) has been appointed as a Visiting Professor in the School of Transportation and Logistics at Southwest Jiaotong University (Chengdu, China), term 2015 to 2018.

MAUREEN LOHAN-BREMER (Financial Aid) has been promoted to Director of Financial Aid.

JONATHAN RASKIN, professor (Psychology), recently published research findings that psychologists are dissatisfied with the DSM-5.

MELISSA ROCK, assistant professor (Geography), has received a $40,200 grant from ASIANetwork for her project titled “Urban Farms in Chongqing, China: Examining the opportunities and challenges of food production in the city.”

SCOTT SUTTA (Facility Operations) has been promoted to General Mechanic.

WILL WHITE (Telecommunications) has been promoted to Assistant Director of Telecommunications.

GREG WILLIAMS (Facility Operations) has been promoted to General Mechanic.

EVE WALTERMAURER, associate professor (Sociology), has received a $59,057 grant from Institute for Family Health for her project titled, “Research Coordination for Institute for Family Health 2014.”

REVA WOLF, professor (Art History) recently had an essay published in the catalogue accompanying a major Goya exhibition in London.