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College pledges support for national campaign on sexual assault prevention

Earlier this month, President Barack Obama launched the It’s On Us Sexual Assault Prevention Campaign—an awareness initiative to help put an end to sexual assault on college campuses.

The SUNY New Paltz community urges everyone to get involved and pledge their commitment to preventing sexual assault on our campus and all college campuses.

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments was passed by the U.S. Congress in June 1972, and signed into law on July 1, 1972. Though most notable for advancing equity in girls and women’s sports, Title IX provides federal civil rights that prohibits sex discrimination in education programs and activities such as:

  • Admissions or financial aid
  • Housing and facilities
  • Courses, academic research and other educational activities
  • Career guidance, counseling or other educational support services
  • Athletics (scholastic, intercollegiate, club, or intramural)
  • Employment, training for employment or advancement in employment

The protections of Title IX also extend to sexual harassment and sexual assault or violence that impairs or interferes with access to equitable educational and employment opportunities. Title IX is applicable to all members of the campus community, individuals doing business with the campus, those utilizing campus facilities, those who engage in volunteer activities or work activities in connection with or for SUNY New Paltz.

Per Title IX, each school must designate a Title IX administrator—SUNY New Paltz’s Title IX Coordinator is Tanhena Pacheco Dunn—to view, update and implement current Title IX policies, to coordinate appropriate training and resources, and ensure effective and timely responses to complaints of sexual violence, misconduct, discrimination or harassment.