InstitutionalNews ReleasesSchool of Business

School of Business adds members to Business Advisory Council

NEW PALTZ—The School of Business at the State University of New York at New Paltz is pleased to welcome Edward C. Lane, certified financial planner at Lane Financial Management, and Janet L. Ready, president & chief operating officer at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, to its Business Advisory Council (BAC).

“We are pleased that two such distinguished individuals have joined the Council,” said Chih-Yang Tsai, interim dean of the School of Business. “Their notable professional accomplishments and the diverse experience they bring to the table will be invaluable to our school’s thought leadership, and enhance the quality of our program and opportunities for our students.”

Tom Sipos, chair of the Business Advisory Council and founder and host of Hudson Valley Focus, also recognized the value of new members.“Providing our students an education relevant to the dynamic business environment they will enter upon graduation is critical. To that end, the Business Advisory Council is proud to welcome our new members, and we anticipate that their fresh perspectives and new ideas will further enhance the discussions and valuable input this group provides to our program.”

The Business Advisory Council, which consists of senior executives from the business community, provides input to the School of Business to ensure that students are taught the skills, knowledge, and ethical behaviors required for successful and satisfying business careers.