InstitutionalNews Releases

New Paltz interim president supports rational tuition bill

NEW PALTZ- Interim President Donald Christian issued the following statement about the Governor’s announcement of a legislative bill supporting a rational tuition policy for SUNY campuses:

“I am grateful for Governor Cuomo’s support of a rational tuition policy for SUNY. Predictable tuition will allow New Paltz students and their families to manage educational costs and plan for their future. Additional tuition revenue will allow us to hire faculty to teach the courses students need to complete their degrees – an essential and sometimes overlooked aspect of educational access. Even with the increases in tuition provided by a rational tuition policy, public higher education in New York is extremely affordable. Nonetheless, the College is committed to directing part of increased tuition revenue towards financial aid to assure continued access to a New Paltz degree and education.”

For more information regarding the Governor’s announcement, click here for the bill and click here for the bill’s memo.