
It Gets Better

» Student Affairs Resouces

In recent weeks and months, there has been a disturbing increase in teen and college student suicide. Through a variety of social media outlets you may have seen the It Gets Better campaign to educate on suicide prevention for those in the LGBTQ community and for victims of bullying in general.

With the support of the Center for Student Media and Student Affairs, New Paltz has produced its own It Gets Better video. On Oct. 18 and 19 students, staff, and faculty were invited to the Student Union TV Studio to be part of the video.

Powerful personal testimonials from diverse people were taped and edited into an inspirational, touching reminder that life is good, that there are people who care and are there to lean on, and who can personally vouch for how much better things will be.

In honor of the six boys who committed suicide recently as a direct consequence of homophobic abuse at home and in schools, and for victims of bullying, on Wednesday, Oct. 20, the campus was encouraged to wear purple. Purple represents spirit on the LGBTQ flag, which is what the It Gets Better movement wishes for all to have: spirit.

There’s help!
If you or someone you know is dealing with bullying or is having trouble coping, please direct them to OASIS / Haven, the campus intervention center overseen by the campus Psychological Counseling Center (PCC). PCC can also offer direction to people for off-campus support as well.

OASIS is the student-staffed crisis intervention center and telephone hot-line. Volunteers are trained and supervised by the PCC to respond to the anonymous telephone calls and walk-in-requests for support, information, and referral. Peer crisis intervention is provided in college related areas such as academic stress, loneliness, sexual orientation, suicide, drug and alcohol-related problems, relationship and family conflicts.

G 13 C
Deyo Hall Basement

from 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. (when classes are in session)

HAVEN of OASIS is the student-staffed hotline and walk-in center, supervised by the PCC. HAVEN volunteers provide support, information and referral for students who have been the target of rape, attempted rape, or any unwanted sexual experience. Call or stop in when classes are in session.

G 13 C
Deyo Hall Basement
 24-hour beeper 845-455-6093

For information on the national It Gets Better Project campaign, visit