
Fostering Community Collaboration

Located on the New Paltz campus, the Center for Research, Regional Education and Outreach (CRREO) provides the region with valuable research on topics designed to help state and local government best serve the citizenry by drawing on the expertise available across the academic units of the College and professionals throughout the Hudson Valley.

Beginning its third year of operation, the Center has released the results of its latest research project in a discussion brief, titled Is There a Doctor in the House? Physician Recruitment and Retention in the Hudson Valley.

The study, authored by Kathryn Reed, who is the Executive Director of the Catskill-Hudson Area Health Education Center located in Highland, NY, and supported by research and editorial work by CREEO staff – Joshua Simons and k.t. Tobin Flusser, finds that the Hudson Valley needs far greater success in bringing doctors to our region.

Similar to the Center’s two previous discussion briefs on property tax equity and regional jails collaboration, the research brings key regional concerns to the attention of citizens and policymakers in the region to support their informed discussion of the public policy problems facing the Hudson Valley.

Of the discussion brief on physician recruitment Gerald Benjamin, CRREO Director and Associate Vice President for Regional Engagement, noted: “This essay is an excellent example of the work we are doing to bring visibility to important matters of public concern in our region, to encourage their consideration and action upon them.”

Another integral part of CRREO’s mission is to nurture student research. Engaging students in real issues and concerns leads to independent thinking and learning. CRREO selects very able students to assist with research from a wide range of majors who are interested in research, government reform and local and state issues, and who have an abiding concern for “making change happen.” This year there are seven SUNY New Paltz students and an entire New Paltz High School government class engaged in work on CRREO projects.

The Cetrino Family Scholarship and Internship is award annually to one of these New Paltz students, a rising junior interested in a career in public service.

Research recently completed or currently being conducted by the Center includes:

• Developing and publicizing broadly accepted measures of Regional Well Being
• Prospects for Intergovernmental Collaboration Study in Ulster County
• Hudson Valley Regional County Jails Collaboration
• Ulster County Youth Risk Evaluation Research
• New Paltz Historic Property Mapping

Future discussion briefs will be on regional water policy, federal impact on education in the region, community assisted agriculture in the Hudson Valley, and local women in public leadership.