College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Legislative Gazette celebrates 25 years of interns

This February, the Legislative Gazette, the student run newspaper dedicated to New York Government politics in Albany, will enter into the 25th year of its’ internship program. What started as a handful of students working on the first edition with only one phone, a desk and a little bit of ambition, has grown in both size and scope to serve as a training ground for hundreds of journalism and political science students.

Alan Chartock, founder and publisher of the Gazette, had an idea to produce a weekly report on happenings in New York State politics while teaching political science at SUNY New Paltz 25 years ago. Chartock’s vision was to create a newspaper that would serve as a senior year practicum for young journalists who could cover the legislature and the whole state government.

“The most important thing at the Gazette is that the students there receive a good education,” said Chartock. “That was and still is the goal of the paper, which has become the voice of our government.”

The Gazette faced many challenges, such as limited funding and opposition from entrenched politicians who didn’t see the need for a paper devoted entirely to their day-to-day activities. However, the paper did have it’s supporters such as the late senator Norman Levy and then Lt. Gov. Mario Cuomo.

For the past 25 years, the Gazette has given many interns the opportunity to interact with governors, legislatures and state workers, turning them into savvy reporters ready to take on the world. The internship has produced some notable journalists including New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser; Wall Street Journal reporter, editor and now special projects administrator Rose Ellen D’Angelo who shared in that paper’s Pulitzer win last year; Pulitzer prize winner Alex Storozynski; and CNN business reporter Greg Clarkin.

“The Gazette has given hundreds of students the opportunity to have a hands-on experience after college,” said Chartock. “I have done a lot of things in my life that I am proud of, but the Legislative Gazette has far exceeded all of my expectations.”

To learn more about the Legislative Gazette and its internship program, visit