News Releases

Blair Witch Project Star To Make SUNY New Paltz Appearance

NEW PALTZ — Actor Michael Williams, star of “The Blair Witch Project” and a former SUNY New Paltz student, will make an appearance on the McKenna Theatre stage on Sunday, September 12. He will share the platform with his former teacher, theatre professor Beverly Brumm, who has kept in touch with Williams since he completed his studies in 1996.

Brumm plans to question Williams about his work on “The Blair Witch Project,” as well as about his years as a student at SUNY New Paltz and after. The audience will also be given an opportunity to ask questions.

“The Blair Witch Project” is a low-budget mock documentary that hit movie theatres earlier this summer and has managed to make the top box office hits list for the past two months. The $35,000 independent film grossed more than $80 million in the first four weeks of its nationwide release.

The film follows three student filmmakers (Williams portrays the soundman) into Maryland’s Black Hills Forest in search of clues to the legend of the Blair witch. The movie theatregoers view is supposedly the footage found in the woods one year after the mysterious disappearance of the three students.

The 7:00 p.m. evening program with Michael Williams is open to the public. There is no charge. Because of construction on the campus, McKenna Theatre is best accessed by parking on the west side of the campus in one of several lots located between Elting Gym and the Sojourner Truth Library.

Click here for highlights from Michael’s visit to campus