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NEW PALTZ — Jane L. Delgado, president and chief executive officer of the National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organizations (COSSMHO) and author of a new book on Hispanic women’s health issues, will speak at the State University of New York at New Paltz on October 1.

In cooperation with the National Hispanic Women’s Health Initiative, Dr. Delgado, a nationally recognized health care advocate and clinical psychologist, has written the engaging and informative ¡Salud!: A Latina’s Guide to Total Health Care — Body, Mind, and Spirit HarperPerennial/HarperLibros). The book, available at the College Bookstore and bookstores nationwide, is the first health guide to be written by and for Latina women. It is available in English and Spanish language editions.

¡Salud! addresses the unique health experience of Latinas — that they metabolize drugs differently, are more likely to develop cervical cancer, have a higher rate of diabetes and depression, and are least likely to have access to health services. The book takes an in-depth look at common female health concerns, diseases that are most common to Latinas, and how to achieve an overall state of healthy daily living. It includes findings from recent scientific advances and real stories from the everyday lives of Latina women.

Delgado, a 1973 SUNY New Paltz graduate, oversees national and community programs, policy, and research in the areas of AIDS and other chronic disease, alcohol and other substance abuse, maternal and child health, and mental health and human services at COSSMHO — the nation’s largest network of Hispanic community-based organizations.

She is currently serving as a trustee of the Kresge Foundation as well as the Foundation for Child Development. She is a member of the National Advisory Board of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Fighting Back Initiative, the Clean Air Act Advisory Council of the EPA, and the Carter Center’s Task Force on Mental Health Policy. Delgado is the immediate past board chair of the National Health Council — the only non-white person to be elected to the 80-year-old organization.

Delgado received her master’s degree in psychology from New York University in 1975. In 1981 she was awarded a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from SUNY Stony Brook and a master’s degree in urban and policy sciences from W. Averell Harriman School of Urban and Policy Sciences.

The lecture, sponsored by Latinas Unidas, the Office of Alumni Affairs, Latin American Studies, the Academic Senate Task Force on Cultural Diversity, and Women’s Studies, will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Old Main 215. A luncheon reception — reservations only — will follow the lecture at the College Terrace Conference Center. For more information please call (845) 257-2975.