News Releases


NEW PALTZ — Danielle Deacy, a senior majoring in international relations at the State University of New York at New Paltz, received an outstanding performance award at the Harvard National Model United Nations 1997 program sponsored by Harvard University in mid-February.

This annual event brings together more than 2,000 students who represent more than 80 colleges and universities from throughout the United States and many foreign nations. Students from each participating college were assigned to represent a country and to role play as a delegation from that nation.

New Paltz students were assigned to role play Yugoslavia and Albania. While participating in the Model UN, students served on various UN committees and to do so as representatives from the assigned country.

As preparation for the event, participants were enrolled in a Model United Nations course taught by Nikko Zahariadis, a member of the political science faculty at SUNY New Paltz.