Past Events
Past events curated here – links will not work.
If you like to see any of these events repeated, or if you would like to suggest an event/presenter, please email us at! Thank you for visiting.
Date/Time: Friday, October 28, 11am – 2pm
Note from presenter:
Educators and administrators! I acknowledge the impact the last 2.5 years has had on all of you, having many clients working in education, as well as family members. Your role in supporting young people in creating a stronger and brighter future is critical. I specialize in providing lasting relief for stress, anxiety, chronic pain, long-COVID, and more without the use of medications and invasive procedures. For more info about me and my work, visit
On Friday 10/28, I would like to offer Ear Seeds treatments that target stress relief and chronic ailments that you may have. Ear Seeds are a non-needling technique that uses small pellets or seeds with adhesive to stimulate acupressure points on the outer ear called auricular therapy. The ear has direct neural pathways to the brain and can treat over 150 conditions. It takes a few minutes to apply and will give calming relief for days. Hope to see you on 10/28!
Jackie Riddick, LAc LMT
Eagle Peak Wellness, Inc.
Appointments available between 11am-2pm. Schedule your appointment here! Please make sure you arrive 5 mins before your scheduled time. Option to cancel/reschedule up to 1 hour before event if needed. SPACE IS LIMITED.
BLINDSPOTS did not run due to low enrollment – please email to see if we can bring this program back to campus.
Annual Alice Sheldon Memorial Walk (co-sponsoring with Workplace With Heart Committee)
Date/Time: Friday, November 4, 12pm – 1pm
Location: Alice Sheldon Tree – top of Mohonk Lane across from the new Science Hall
Bring your water bottles and join us for some fresh air and great company! All are welcome, stay as long as you like. Swag gear available from Employee Assistance Program and Workplace With Heart!
Houseplant Repotting Demonstration & Greenhouse Tour hosted by Laura Wyeth!
Do you have a houseplant that seems to need a little more TLC lately, but you’re unsure of what to do next? Talk to the expert! In this in-person workshop,
Laura Wyeth, lecturer in Biology, horticulturist, and caretaker of the CSB Greenhouse, will show us what to look for when houseplants require repotting (including
a step by step demonstration).
Attendees are also encouraged to bring in pictures of their houseplants to get expert advice on how to help their struggling green friends at home.
Tour of our very own campus greenhouse at the end, if time permits.
Date: August 9, 2022
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Location: CSB Greenhouse, STL Quad
Please click this link to register for this event
so that we can ensure there is enough seating.
Thank you!
Calling all cookie bakers and lovers! And your young budding artists!
EAP Cookie Recipe and Winter Art Exchange Book – Looking for submissions to publish before the holidays!
Calling all cookie bakers and lovers… and your young budding artists! Looking for submissions to publish before the holidays!
Last year, since we couldn’t host our annual cookie exchange due to COVID-19 transmission concerns, we asked the campus community for recipe submissions*. Since we’re not quite out of the woods just yet, the EAP committee has decided that it is best to hold off on its in-person cookie exchange again this year, but we have another plan to help you satisfy your winter sweet tooth.
We’re reaching out to the campus community early this year asking for your favorite cookie recipes again in the hope that we can publish our very own downloadable cookie recipe book for New Paltz employees, with the (very ambitious) timeline to deliver to the campus community by mid-December, around the time we would normally host the cookie exchange event. (*For those who contributed recipes in 2020 – we will be including them!)
Fill out our recipe entry card here to enter, or copy and paste the URL below: (link no longer available)
To sweeten the deal even more – and in case you were wondering how else you could contribute if you didn’t happen to have a cookie recipe to share – we are also calling out to the budding artists for winter- or holiday-themed artwork to include in this collection! Your loved one’s art can also be beautifully curated among delicious cookie recipe submissions, to share with your family and friends. (Artwork should be winter- and/or holiday-themed, from children within your family, young or young at heart.)
To be included in our book, please send your art submissions to (Phone pictures are ok if taken in sufficient lighting; jpeg, png, tif, tiff files only please.)
The photos above are from our last in-person exchange, December 2019.
“Soup Stock” Cooking Demonstration with Cape Gazette Columnist, Denise Clemons
Date: November 4, 2021 Time: 12:00pm
Join SUNY NP EAP as we host Denise Clemons, “Cape Flavors” columnist of Delaware’s Cape Gazette, as she demonstrates how to start delicious soups from scratch – we welcome all cooking abilities, from the “I can burn water” to the “I know my way around a kitchen” cooking enthusiasts. Denise is also author of the book titled, “A Culinary History of Southern Delaware: Scrapple, Beach Plums and Muskrat,” which features favorite recipes of Delaware as she explores the history behind the ingredients and savors the story in every dish.
Annual Alice Sheldon Memorial Walk (co-sponsoring with Workplace With Heart Committee)
Wednesday, October 13 12pm
All are welcome to join us for some fresh air and great company!
Dorsky at 20 Guided Tour
Tuesday, September 21 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
This exhibit shows off some of the wonderful objects in the Dorsky collection and will be presented by exhibit curators.
While we work in an increasingly stationary manner we can incorporate small changes into our lives to relieve our bodies of aches and pains, and work to prevent chronic illness. Join Elizabeth Diuguid ’07, RYT-200 to learn how to include Yoga asanas in your everyday life. Geared towards folks who find themselves sitting for long periods of time, these adaptable movements will create opportunities to realign the body regularly throughout the day.
Join a Virtual Nature Scavenger Hunt
Date: April 6, 2021 Time: 4:00pm
Do you want to deepen your connection with nature? Do you need a good information source or just some encouragement to get started? Our Biodiversity of SUNY New Paltz iNaturalist project is a great way to learn a lot about our local organisms- white oaks, red-tailed hawks, morel mushrooms, painted turtles, mining bees, you name it! Join EAP and the Biodiversity Initiative on Tuesday, April 6 at 4:00 pm for an online discussion of local biodiversity and an introduction to using iNaturalist. We’ll encourage you to head outside after the meeting for a Nature Scavenger Hunt to explore the habitats and creatures of SUNY New Paltz campus- or your own backyard. See you then!
Tax Talk Workshop with Ceil Donato
Date: February 17, 2021 Time: 11am – 12:00pm Location: Virtual (see Daily Digest email to register for event)
Join Ceil Donato, formerly of H&R Block, for a discussion of all tax issues, including changes to the tax laws for 2020; Ideal for those who have a second job, own their own business, or have additional income from teaching, publishing or consulting.
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
*Please be advised all SUNY New Paltz employees are encouraged to take advantage of training and programming offered on campus. Our goal is to provide training opportunities equitably for all employees. If there are members of your department who have not participated in training, please allow them first preference. In all cases, the operational needs of the department require supervisory approval for release time to attend such events.”
Employee Assistance Program
Is Hosting A
Cookie Recipe Exchange!
In lieu of our annual bake-off, we’re inviting everyone to share some holiday cheer in the form of favorite cookie recipes, to be published online for those who are looking for some festive baking inspiration!
Please submit online by 12/31/20 using link below
EAP Brown Bag Lunch presents:
Domestic Violence and The Workplace- Recognize, React, Respond
Presented by Cassondra Goddard, NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
Date: November 18, 2020 Time: 12pm – 1pm Webinar (requires registration, check campus email)
EAP: Houseplants – Our Green Roommates 11/10 12:30
As autumn sets in and we spend more time indoors, we come to appreciate the presence of plants in our daily life. In this online workshop, Laura Wyeth, lecturer in Biology, horticulturist, and caretaker of the CSB Greenhouse, will help us learn how to build a relationship with houseplants by guiding us through the basics of houseplant care. We’ll discuss how learning a plant’s geographical origin can help us understand its needs, how to find the right plant for our home conditions, and how our connection to our plants can help us to grow and persevere through tough times. Q&A session at the end, so bring your plant questions!
Postponed event:
EAP Brown Bag Lunch presents:
Music and Imagery to Manage Stress with Heather Wagner, PhD, MT-BC
Date: April 27, 2020 Time: 12pm – 1pm Location: SUB 100N **POSTPONED**
Join our own Music Therapy faculty, Heather Wagner, to see how you can tap into the potential of music to relieve stress. In this experiential workshop, participants will use music with focused imagery to rejuvenate and re-energize as the end of the semester approaches. Tips and techniques will be shared for self-guided practice as well.
**Dress comfortably, and feel free to bring a yoga mat and blanket.**
7:30 a.m. Pilates with Christina
Pilates – Designed to strengthen and lengthen the core muscles of the body while emphasizing concentration, control, physical centering, flowing movement, precision, and breathing. Options provide for multi-level workout so participants are able to “choose their challenge”.
7:30 a.m. Mind/Body Boot Camp with Christina
Mind/Body Boot Camp – Enjoy flowing movement that fuses Yoga, Pilates, and Body Weight Strength training to create a “ground up” total body workout!
12:00 p.m. Dance Boot Camp with Christina
Dance Boot Camp – Enjoy belly dance, Latin rhythms and a bit of hip hop fused with body weight strength training to maximize the fun while completing a total body workout!Need Classes “On Demand”?? Feel free to check out SUNY New Paltz’s Virtual Class Library growing every day!
EAP Brown Bag Lunch (VIRTUAL) presents:
Essentials for Creating Robust Health in Body and Mind with Kristin Misik
Date: May 7, 2020 Time: 12:30pm – 1pm Location: Zoom meeting (please check your email for link)
In light of COVID-19, today’s webinar will be addressing overall health – body and mind – because there is so much more to this virus than just immunity! Join us on the webinar to find out how you can give yourself the best possible chances in fighting off this and future novel illnesses. Presented by: Kristin Misik
Tax Talk Workshop with Ceil Donato
Date: February 18, 2020 Time: 12pm – 1:30pm Location: SUB 418
A workshop on income tax preparation facilitated by Ceil Donato, formerly of H&R Block, will focus on all tax
issues, including the returns of employees who have a second job, own their own businesses, or have additional income from teaching, publishing, or consulting. It’s ideal for faculty members, entrepreneurs, and side workers alike, or for those who simply have some tax preparation questions.
Ms. Donato will cover all of the current changes to the tax laws for 2019 and discuss provisions in the tax laws that have been extended.
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
*Please be advised all SUNY New Paltz employees are encouraged to take advantage of training and programming offered on campus. Our goal is to provide training opportunities equitably for all employees. If there are members of your department who have not participated in training, please allow them first preference. In all cases, the operational needs of the department require supervisory approval for release time to attend such events.”
Strategies and Exercises for “Tech Neck” Presented by Dr David Lester
Date : Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Time : 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: SUB 401
Dr. Lester is going to present strategies and exercises with which to counter the effects of hours of sitting at a computer and or a cell phone.
Some studies tell us that the average person spends 7 to 8 hours on some sort of device (usually a cell phone or a computer). While being on these devices the head usually is tilted forward. The average adult head weighs 10 to 12 pounds. In a neutral position—ears lined up with the shoulders, shoulder blades pulled in—there is relatively little stress on the neck. The effect of that weight on the spine increases exponentially, though, as the head falls forward. For each 1 inch of forward head tilt ten pounds of weight is added, putting pressure on your spine.
This can affect your health and well-being in many ways. This instruction will help you be more comfortable and most importantly be in greater health
EAP Holiday Cookie Exchange & Bake-off!
Date : Thursday, December 19, 2019
Time : 11:30pm – 1:30pm
Winner for our Holiday Bake-off was Wyatt Krause from HR – congratulations, Wyatt!
Breast and Prostate Cancer Information Session
Date : Monday, December 9, 2019
Time : 12:30pm – 1:30pm
EAP Open House – Meet Lee and Avram! EAP office @ SUB 336
Tuesday, Nov 12 – 10:30 am – 12 pm
Thursday, November 14 – 2 pm – 3:30 pm
Narcan Training
Sponsored by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
Date: Tuesday May 14, 2019
Become part of the team striving to save lives.
Learn how to recognize and prevent opiate overdose deaths.
Receive information about the protections within New York State’s Good Samaritan Law.
All eligible participants will receive a FREE Narcan® (naloxone) kit, and learn how to administer Narcan® to reduce the risk of an opiate/heroin overdose.
Valuable resource information will also be provided.
RSVP Required. Please call Jackie Cirello at 845-257-3028, or
email at
Office for the Aging Information Session (Brown Bag Lunch)
Held: Tuesday April 9 ,2019
Shelley Wager, Director of the Ulster County Office for the Aging, will be here next Tuesday, April 9 to discuss the services available from the OFA and how OFA can assist those who are caring for an older person in Ulster County.
Feel free to bring your lunch and join us for this information session.
Registration is not required.
SUNY New Paltz Wellness Day Fair 2019
Sponsored by Work Place with Heart and EAP
Held: Wednesday April 24, 2019
Join fellow SUNY NP faculty, staff and students at this year’s event.
There will be healthy snacks and vendors sharing tips, practices and goods associated with balanced living, as well as numerous chances to win raffle prizes
Narcan Training
Sponsored by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
Held: Wednesday March 28, 2019
Become part of the team striving to save lives.
Learn how to recognize and prevent opiate overdose deaths.
Receive information about the protections within New York State’s Good Samaritan Law.
All eligible participants will receive a FREE Narcan® (naloxone) kit, and learn how to administer Narcan® to reduce the risk of an opiate/heroin overdose.
Valuable resource information will also be provided.
Narcan Training
Sponsored by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
Held: Wednesday March 20, 2019
Become part of the team striving to save lives.
Learn how to recognize and prevent opiate overdose deaths.
Receive information about the protections within New York State’s Good Samaritan Law.
All eligible participants will receive a FREE Narcan® (naloxone) kit, and learn how to administer Narcan® to reduce the risk of an opiate/heroin overdose.
Valuable resource information will also be provided.
Getting Better Sleep with Kristin Misik
Held: Tuesday March 12, 2019
One of the most impactful ways to improve health overall is to get a good night’s sleep. Yet for many people, quality sleep can be hard to come by. If you have episodes of sleeplessness, a history of insomnia, or poor quality sleep, than this informational session is designed for you!
The biggest and most common factor disrupting our sleep is stress. Getting a handle on stress will help you get better sleep. In this session you will learn:
- why sleep is so critical
- the most common disrupters of sleep
- why daily rhythms are crucial
- how insomnia contributes to weight gain
- the connection between sleep and immunity
Whether you have chronic insomnia or you simply want to feel more energized when you wake up, this session is for you! You will walk away with:
- strategies and tips to start sleeping better tonight
- Tools and resources to help re-pattern your sleep
- A solid plan for reducing stress and improving health
Kristin Misik is an acupuncturist, coach, and public speaker based in NYC and New Paltz, NY. As a licensed, practicing acupuncturist for more than 15 years, she has helped hundreds of people restore their bodies and minds to healthy, energetic balance and natural vibrancy. Her patients include everyone from Broadway stars to struggling artists and high- performance athletes to corporate executives. Kristin has been a featured speaker at UN Women, Ernst &Young, and Viacom, and is a contributing writer to the Huffington Post.
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
*Please be advised all SUNY New Paltz employees are encouraged to take advantage of training and programming offered on campus. Our goal is to provide training opportunities equitably for all employees. If there are members of your department who have not participated in training, please allow them first reference. In all cases, the operational needs of the department require supervisory approval for release time to attend such events.
Zumba Gold with Christina Cordier
Held: Friday February 28, 2019
The EAP Committee in conjunction with Athletics, Wellness, and Recreation Director Christina Cordier is offering a free Zumba class. Zumba®Gold is catered to active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba® Class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity. The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong.
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
*Please be advised all SUNY New Paltz employees are encouraged to take advantage of training and programming offered on campus. Our goal is to provide training opportunities equitably for all employees. If there are members of your department who have not participated in training, please allow them first preference. In all cases, the operational needs of the department require supervisory approval for release time to attend such events.
Tax Talk with Ceil Donato
Held: February 20, 2019
A workshop on income tax preparation facilitated by Ceil Donato, formerly of H&R Block, will focus on all tax issues, including the returns of employees who have a second job, own their own businesses, or have additional income from teaching, publishing, or consulting. It’s ideal for faculty members, entrepreneurs, and side workers alike, or for those who simply have some tax preparation questions.
Ms. Donato will cover all of the current changes to the tax laws for 2018 and discuss provisions in the tax laws that have been extended.
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
*Please be advised all SUNY New Paltz employees are encouraged to take advantage of training and programming offered on campus. Our goal is to provide training opportunities equitably for all employees. If there are members of your department who have not participated in training, please allow them first preference. In all cases, the operational needs of the department require supervisory approval for release time to attend such events.
Zumba Gold with Christina Cordier
Held: Friday January 18, 20193
The EAP Committee in conjunction with Athletics, Wellness, and Recreation Director Christina Cordier is offering a free Zumba class. Zumba®Gold is catered to active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba® Class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity. The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong.
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
*Please be advised all SUNY New Paltz employees are encouraged to take advantage of training and programming offered on campus. Our goal is to provide training opportunities equitably for all employees. If there are members of your department who have not participated in training, please allow them first preference. In all cases, the operational needs of the department require supervisory approval for release time to attend such events.
EAP Cookie Exchange
Held: Wednesday December 12, 2018
The EAP Committee would like to invite you to our annual Cookie Exchange. Please join us on Wednesday, December12th at any point from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm in Wooster Hall to enjoy cookies, apple cider, music, great company.
Bring a couple dozen cookies to exchange with others in order to create a variety box of cookies for the holidays. Your cookies can be homemade or store bought.
And a special thanks to our friends in Campus Auxiliary Services who helped to make this holiday party possible.
We hope to see you there!
Marijuana in New York: How Laws Are Changing
Presented By
Held: Wednesday November 28, 2018
Contact: Jackie Cirello or 845-257-3028
- Identify marijuana concentrate products and cultural references
- Understand New York State medical marijuana regulation
- Discuss changing landscape around recreational marijuana
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
Narcan Training
Sponsored by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
Held: Wednesday November 14, 2018
Become part of the team striving to save lives.
Learn how to recognize and prevent opiate overdose deaths.
Receive information about the protections within New York State’s Good Samaritan Law.
All eligible participants will receive a FREE Narcan® (naloxone) kit, and learn how to administer Narcan® to reduce the risk of an opiate/heroin overdose.
Valuable resource information will also be provided.
RSVP required. Please call Jackie Cirello 845-257-3028
or e-mail at:
Hot Soup and Nutrition Tips with Nutritionist Vicki Koenig:
Vicki Koenig, MS, RD, CDN, is a Masters level Registered Dietitian specializing in Nutrition and Health. Based in New Paltz, New York, Vicki has maintained a private counseling practice and consulting business for over 20 years:
Held: October 24, 2018
We’d like to thank CAS for donating two kinds of soup and Vicki for sharing her extensive knowledge.
Free EAP soup bowls will be given away to all who attend.
Hidden in Plain Sight – Back By Popular Demand
Held: May 10, 2018
Sponsored by:
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the Ulster Prevention Council
Would you know what to look for if you suspected a teen of using drugs or alcohol?
Please join us for a unique, interactive workshop designed to help you discover the possible hiding spots in a teenager’s room.
Explore a mock room and try to find them all.
Discussion to follow!
Training for SUNY New Paltz staff/ faculty.
Please Note that Space is limited!
To attend the training please reserve a time slot by contacting
Jaclyn Cirello at 845-257-3028,
Narcan Training
Sponsored by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
Held May 2018
Help save the life of a loved one.
Learn how to recognize and prevent an overdose. Receive information about the protections within New York State’s Good Samaritan Law.
All eligible participants will receive a FREE Narcan® (naloxone) kit, and learn how to administer Narcan® to reduce the risk of an opiate/heroin overdose.
Valuable resource information will also be provided.
RSVP required. Please call Doug Hanley at (845) 257-2886.
SUNY New Paltz Wellness Day Fair 2018
Sponsored by Work Place with Heart and EAP
Held: April 25, 2018
Join fellow SUNY NP faculty, staff and students at this year’s event.
There will be healthy snacks and vendors sharing tips, practices and goods associated with balanced living, as well as numerous chances to win raffle prizes
A Walk on the Rail Trail
Sponsored by Work Place with Heart
Held April 2018
Location: Meet in front of the Athletic Center
Free Yoga Class Sponsored by SUNY New Paltz EAP
Held April 2018
EAP is sponsoring a free yoga class .
Remember to wear comfortable loose clothing and bring a yoga mat. Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
*Please be advised all SUNY New Paltz employees are encouraged to take advantage of training and programming offered on campus. Our goal is to provide training opportunities equitably for all employees. If there are members of your department who have not participated in training, please allow them first reference. In all cases, the operational needs of the department require supervisory approval for release time to attend such events.
We hope to see you there
Yoga Class for Office Workers Presented by Peter Beuf
Held March 2018
Please join us for a free EAP/AWR yoga class for office workers on Tuesday March 27th at noon
In the office routine, limited activity can lead to dysfunctional movement patterns which can cause pain and increased emotional stress. Learning basic breath centered movements can drastically improve a practitioner’s comfort and well being.
Peter Beuf is a Yoga instructor located in Gardiner, NY. He is a Yoga Alliance 200 hour certified yoga teacher and has been teaching movement for 25 years. Peter has a degree in education, attended nursing school and was certified as a personal trainer. His practice focuses on alignment, strength and fluid motion based on his study of Iyengar and Ashtonga yoga, cross training, dance, rock climbing and skating. He teaches locally at the Mohonk Mountain House, Ignite Fitness and with private clients.
Remember to wear comfortable loose clothing.
Hidden in Plain Sight
Held March 2018
Sponsored by:
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the Ulster Prevention Council
Would you know what to look for if you suspected a teen of using drugs or alcohol?
Please join us for a unique, interactive workshop designed to help you discover the possible hiding spots in a teenager’s room.
Explore a mock room and try to find them all.
Discussion to follow!
Training for SUNY New Paltz staff/ faculty.
Please Note that Space is limited!
Tax Talk 2018 by Ceil Donato
Held February 2018
A workshop on income tax preparation facilitated by Ceil Donato, formerly of H&R Block, will focus on all tax issues, including the returns of employees who have a second job, own their own businesses, or have additional income from teaching, publishing, or consulting. It’s ideal for faculty members, entrepreneurs, and side workers alike, or for those who simply have some tax preparation questions.
Ms. Donato will cover all of the current changes to the tax laws for 2017 and answer questions about the controversial tax bill recently signed into law.
EAP Athletics, and Wellness Center Free trial week
Held January 2018
The EAP Committee in conjunction with Athletics, Wellness, and Recreation proudly offers a free trial period from January 16-19 from 11am-7pm to utilize the Athletics, and Wellness Center. All persons taking advantage of this week must provide a college ID to the AWC desk upon entry.
The Athletic and Wellness Center offers general recreation, Recreation Swim Hours, Masters Swim Program, Group Exercise (classes geared towards Faculty and Staff as well as classes for students and fac/staff), free personal training, indoor track, and a 2 gyms stocked with a variety of cardiovascular and strength training equipment.
Please check out our Group Exercise Schedule during this time here:
Please take note of our new class/track only membership in addition to our regular options here:
Please take note of our hours of operation for spring here:
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
Please do not hesitate to Christina Cordier Purdy, Wellness and Recreation Director with any questions or inquiries!
Held December 2017
The EAP Committee would like to invite you to our annual Cookie Exchange. Please join us on Wednesday, December 6th at any point from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm in Wooster Hall 139 to enjoy cookies, apple cider, music, great company, and a FREE 2018 calendar!
Bring a couple dozen cookies to exchange with others in order to create a variety box of cookies for the holidays. Your cookies can be homemade or store bought.
And a special thanks to our friends in Campus Auxiliary Services who helped to make this holiday party possible.
We hope to see you there!
EAP Brown Bag Lunch: Identity Theft Prevention with David Lederman
Held, November 2017
Identity theft is the unlawful use of an individual’s personal identification information. Identity thieves steal information such as your name, social security number, driver’s license information, or bank and credit card accounts and use the information to establish credit, make purchases, apply for loans or even seek employment. David Lederman will discuss the various ways identity theft occurs, prevention tactics and procedures to follow if it should happen. He will also cover consumer fraud issues, including telephone and door to door scams, and information on how to obtain an Identity Theft Victim Kit, an all-in-one resource that provides victims with specific instructions for filing a police report and clearing their names.
David Lederman works for the Consumer Frauds Bureau at the NYS Office of the Attorney General in Poughkeepsie, NY. The Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection is part of the Economic Justice Division and prosecutes businesses and individuals engaged in fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or illegal trade practices. In addition to litigating, the Bureau mediates thousands of complaints each year from individual consumers, and a percentage of these complaints are resolved satisfactorily through the mediation process
The 3:00 Energy Drop and How to Avoid It : Presented by Holly Anne Shelowitz
Held October 2017
- Does your energy plummet at 3pm? Do you reach for coffee, soda or sugar to get you through the rest of the day? It doesn’t have to be that way. You can feel energized and nourished without relying on these non-nutritional sources of energy. They are taxing on your body, they rob your body of nutrients, and to make matters worse, they continue the cycle of low energy.Join Holly Anne Shelowitz, Certified Nutrition Counselor for a lively and informative nutrition workshop and learn ways to nourish your body so you can look at that 3:00 energy drop as a thing of the past.
Annual Alice Sheldon Memorial Walk – Sponsored by the Workplace With Heart Committee
Held October 2017
Alice Sheldon was the Secretary for the Office of the Vice President, Administration and Finance for many years.
Alice passed away on May 7, 2010. An avid walker, Alice often encouraged people on campus to get out and take walks.
Please join the Workplace With Heart Committee for the Annual Alice Sheldon Memorial Walk.
There will be a limited distribution of Memorial Tee-shirts
Place: We will meet at Mohonk Walk (at Alice’s tree) and take a walk around campus together
EAP/AWR FREE Exercise Week September 18th – September 22nd:
Please mark your calendars for a free week of exercise classes and facility use offered from Sept. 18-22 courtesy of the EAP/Department of Athletics, Wellness, and Recreation. See the attached calendar for the list of classes offered at 7 am, noon, and 5-5:15. Also please check out our Rec Swim Hours, Facility Hours, and General Recreation Opportunities.
Membership to the AWC is not required for the free week only, and all are welcome to attend by signing a sheet at the front desk upon arrival. A valid New Paltz staff ID is required to attend. Please remember to wear comfortable loose clothing.
Please contact Christina Cordier Purdy, Wellness and Recreation Director, with further questions ext.2342 or
SUNY New Paltz Wellness Day Fair 2017
Sponsored by Work Place with Heart and EAP
Held April 2017
Balancing Hormones Naturally for Women. – Presented by Kristin Misik
Held March 2017
In this illuminating one-hour class, Kristin gives you the tools needed to correct hormone imbalances that cause symptoms like mood swings, anxiety, water retention, breast tenderness, infertility, hot flashes, night sweats and more.
You will learn:
- what the message behind your symptoms really means
- proven strategies to both prevent and treat hormone imbalances
- nutritional do’s and don’ts of common hormone related issues
Kristin’s expertise as a Chinese medicine doctor, nutritionist and coach give her both a soulful and practical approach for addressing the multitude of symptoms associated with a woman’s hormones. This class is for women in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s who are looking for ways feel more balanced and be radiant in body, mind and spirit.
Kristin’s Web Site , Acupuncture + Stress Solutions
EAP/AWR partnership free Zumba class

Held March 2017
Welcome Spring with a spring in your step and join us for our EAP/AWC partnership free Zumba class on Thursday March 23rd at noon with Christina Cordier:
Intro to Zumba- Scared to try Zumba? This class will “break it down” before we “shake it down!” Zumba Fitness is a fun and energetic workout that has crowds swarming to classes, however getting into classes can be intimidating! Join Christina for a BASIC level class that will introduce you to what you would see in a regular Zumba class and how to connect to classes at the AWC or in your area!
– Christina Cordier, Assistant Director of Wellness and Recreation for Fitness, will be your guide for the workshop and membership to the AWC is not required. Remember to wear comfortable loose clothing.
Everyone is encouraged to attend as long as your supervisor’s approval is obtained first.*
EAP/AWR Chair Exercise class
Held Feb 2017
– Staying Fit for the Workplace- Learn exercises and stretches that compliment the traditional 9-5 desk job. Believe it or not, we need to stay “fit” for the workplace and counter act the degenerative problems and issues associated with working in an office all day!
– Christina Cordier, Assistant Director of Wellness and Recreation for Fitness, will be your guide for the workshop and membership to the AWC is not required. Remember to wear comfortable loose clothing. All are welcome to attend! *
Tax Talk Presented by Ceil Donato
Held Feb 2017
A workshop on income tax preparation facilitated by Ceil Donato, formerly of H&R Block, will focus on all tax issues, including the returns of employees who have a second job, own their own businesses, or have additional income from teaching, publishing, or consulting. It’s ideal for faculty members, entrepreneurs, and side workers alike, or for those who simply have some tax preparation questions.
Ms. Donato will cover all of the current changes to the tax laws for 2016 and discuss provisions in the tax laws that have been extended for 2016.
Natural Healing for Anxiety, Depression, and Irritability
Presented by Kristin Misik, Licensed acupuncturist and nutritionist
Held Nov 2016
Juggling work and family often leaves little time to for self-care and restoration. Unchecked, the chronic hum of stress can deplete the body of precious resources needed to maintain physical and emotional equilibrium.
If you have been struggling to find emotional balance in your life and want to find out about natural alternatives to medication, then join Kristin Misik (see her bio below) for a 45-minute informational session to discover:
- how changes in diet can radically improve mental/emotional health
- simple shifts in behavior and lifestyle to profoundly improve mood
- proven methods for calming the nervous system, enhancing sleep, and feeling more balanced
How to Balance the Demands of Work & an Aging Relative at Home
Presented by Evelyn Flynn, Case Manager/Caregiver Coordinator
Ulster County Office of the Aging
Held Oct 2016
This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about:
Balancing work and caregiving
Trends of the aging population
What are your rights under FMLA
Communicating with your supervisor and HR
Dealing with stress and emotions
Asking for help from others
Community Resources for assistance
And asking any questions you may have about taking care of a family member at home.
Link To Ulster County Office of the Aging
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Everyday Living:
You Can’t Stop the Waves but You Can Learn How to Surf
Presented by Stephanie Speer, M.A.
Held Sept 2016
This experiential workshop will provide an opportunity to learn simple yet powerful ways to meet the stresses and challenges of everyday life and difficult life circumstances. Based upon the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program created by Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, participants will learn a variety of formal and informal mindfulness practices which can be easily integrated into daily life and used anytime and anywhere.
Mindfulness at Work presented by Nancy Plumer
Held May 2016
This interactive, experiential workshop on Mindfulness at Work includes current brain
based research on stress, well-being and mindfulness. Participants learn and
experience mindfulness practices including relaxation techniques, various forms of
meditation, breathing techniques, gentle stretching, awareness exercises, savoring,
presencing and journaling. The workshop involves brief lectures, partner/ triad
exercises, experiential practices, a fun powerpoint presentation, short video clips and
handouts to reinforce the techniques and tools experienced. Participants will learn tools
and techniques to live more present day to day, manage and transform stress, explore
beliefs and emotions and allow greater joy and peace at work and at home.
See More Info About Nancy and the Workshop
2016 SUNY New Paltz Work Place with Heart and EAP Wellness Day Fair
Held April 2016

Positive Psychology Presented by Doug Maynard
Held April 2016
Positive psychology is the study of how people can thrive and find meaning in all aspects of our lives, in work, play, and social relationships. Join us for a casual discussion with students of positive psychology on a variety of topics, such as optimism, altruism, humor, health, and forgiveness.
Come away with tips on how to incorporate these ideas into your own daily life.
Mindful Eating with Emily Ferencik
Held March 2016
How do you know what’s “healthy” to eat when every resource tells you something different?
The good news is you are your own best health resource!
By tuning into our bodies in the here and now, we have the power to feel which foods and behaviors truly serve us, and which ones don’t.
Learn more about the tools you can use to tap in to your own inner resources for guidance on how to take the best care of yourself.
Check out Emily’s Web Page on the CAS Website
Tax Talk Brown Bag Lunch with Cecelia Donato
Held February 2016
This is a workshop on income tax preparation facilitated by Ceil Donato, formerly of H&R Block.
This Workshop will focus on all tax issues, including the returns of employees who have a second job, own their own businesses, or have additional income from teaching, publishing, or consulting.
This workshop is ideal for faculty members, entrepreneurs, and side workers alike, or for those who simply have some tax preparation questions.
Smoking Cessation BBL
Held February 2016
An informational session on how to stop smoking with the help of the Nicotine Anonymous program.
Nicotine Anonymous is a non-profit 12-step fellowship of men and women who help each other to live nicotine-free lives.
Attendance at this brown bag lunch does not require you to join any program.It is purely informational and involves no other commitment.
Yoga Brown Bag Lunch with Christina Cordier
Held January 2016
Energy Deregulation Brown Bag Lunch Presented by Johnny Coxum
Held December 2015
- Come learn about “Energy Deregulation.“
- Find out how it can save you money on your monthly energy bills.
- Get energy saving tips to help you reduce your monthly costs
- Bring your electric bill to follow along the breakdown of your charges (optional).
Coffee and Tea Tasting with Thomas Meli and Emily Ferencik
Held November 2015
Nutrition for Wellness with Vicki Koenig
Held October 2015
Information About the Vicki Koenig event
Vicki Koenig’s website:
2015 Wellness Day Fair
Held April 2015