Fall 2019 Newsletter

New Paltz’s Design for Self-Study Commended

Earlier this spring, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) informed the College that our Self-Study Design was “meritorious, thorough, and of a high quality” and requested permission to use it for training purposes. We are pleased that our Self-Study Design was presented as a model for use by institutions in attendance at the Middle States Self Study Institute (SSI) on October 28-29, 2019.

The Self -Study Design acts as a blueprint for our MSCHE self-study process. Broadly speaking, the document delineates how we will conduct the self-study. It describes who we are as viewed through the lens of our mission, the process we engaged to select the institutional priorities that the self-study will evaluate, and summarizes our intended outcomes for the self-study. The Self-Study Design also outlines the sections of the self-study, tasks to be accomplished throughout the self-study process, and the timeline for completing activities. It serves as a reference guide for the Self-Study Steering Committee and Standards Working Groups and helps to ensure that required elements of the self-study are completed as stipulated and by certain deadlines.