Update on new leadership in the Disability Resource Center

SUNY New Paltz is pleased to share that Ashley Guerrero ’10 (Sociology) ’14g (School Counseling) was appointed the director of the Disability Resource Center (DRC) in March 2023.
Guerrero rises to lead the DRC, where she has served as Assistant Director since 2021, and which now serves more than 800 registered students, a number that has been significantly rising each year.
Her 17 years of experience on the campus include serving from 2015-2021 as the services coordinator for the DRC. Her affiliation with the Statewide Disability Resources Council keeps her abreast of best practices in the field and prepares her well for her duties as a liaison to SUNY Counsel’s office. As Director, Guerrero also serves as our campus ADA expert for student concerns.
Also at the DRC, Rob Moysey ’06 (Biology) ’12g (Humanistic/Multicultural Education) rises to the position of Assistant Director for Services & Technology.
Moysey is now the lead contact for communicating with faculty regarding academic testing and classroom/facilities accommodations. He also manages priority registration and teaches students to utilize assistive technologies, among other responsibilities. His professional experience in Residence Life, Student Development, Academic Advising and the DRC over the past 14 years has prepared him for this new position.
Emily (Emi) DiSciullo rises to the position of Assistant Director for Learning Support & Neurodiversity Initiatives. In this role, she is continuing to spearhead programs supported by the SUNY New Paltz Foundation’s Kressner Family Autism Spectrum Program Fund, by providing learning support and executive functioning skill development for students with learning disabilities who are registered with the DRC. She will soon supervise a new Learning Support Specialist in the DRC, for which a search is underway.
DiSciullo holds degrees in psychology, philosophy, art therapy and a specialization in learning differences and neurodiversity. She has served as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Psychology and as the Learning Support Specialist in the DRC over the past 12 years. She also serves as secretary for the Executive Board of the New York State Disabilities Council.