November is SEFA participation month

Enrollment has opened for the 2015-16 State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA) campaign, which makes it easy for SUNY New Paltz employees to make charitable contributions to organizations of their choosing through regular pay reductions. The state-wide program raises millions of dollars annually for non-profit groups and causes.
SEFA donation has become an important part of the cultural fabric here at New Paltz. For the third consecutive year, the College was recognized as “Best Overall Campaign” in the mid-Hudson region, an outcome proceeding directly from generous faculty and staff contributions totaling more than $38,000 for the 2014-15 fiscal year. A large percentage of the funds are directed to agencies local to New Paltz and the Hudson Valley.
The SEFA program thrives at New Paltz not only due to the community of givers who contribute, but also to the hours volunteered by the members of the SEFA Committee, currently led by Sarah Roberson, associate registrar in Records & Registration, and Gerry Torrone, special accounts coordinator in Student Accounts.
Committee members Maria Cathcart, secretary in Student Development, Heather Jones, administrative aide in the office of the vice president of Academic Affairs, Peter Kaufman, professor of Sociology, Jackie LaFalce, annual gifts officer for the Office of Development, and Lorna Platt, keyboard specialist for Design Services, also freely give their time to ensure the high performance of the program.
The SEFA Committee members and those employees who have donated in multiple, consecutive years were treated to a campaign kickoff breakfast with President Donald P. Christian. The attendees took a moment to reflect on the successes of previous years before looking ahead to the task of inspiring even more generosity across the New Paltz community.
If you are interested in learning more about SEFA and joining the community of givers who have helped SUNY New Paltz earn recognition as the Best Overall Campaign in the region, please visit
About SEFA
The State Employees Federated Appeal is a charitable solicitation of New York state employees conducted under the authority of State Finance Law § 201-1. State employees may give to any of the charitable organizations that have been approved for participation in SEFA and may at any time revoke or modify a contribution made through payroll deduction by providing a written request to the employee’s payroll office.
More information about the statewide SEFA program and SEFA at SUNY New Paltz is available online.